Thursday, October 27, 2011

Tiffany & Scott's Wedding

Hey everyone,

Dad set this up to keep everyone talking in the family about our lives and keep the family together. I feel the wedding of Tiffany and I is the perfect special event to start the blog back up.
Tiffany and I would like to thank everyone who helped make our wedding day so Amazing and Special! Without every persons' help for it would not have been as Wonderful as it was. We also want to say thank you again for celebrating this very special day with us. Without the support of our families we would have been total wreck (more so than we already were) before the wedding. Thank you all for your patience and love with us.
The wedding day was better than either of us ever imagined and it was so perfect to spending it with so many people who have touched each of our lives throughout the years. Andy and Charlie stepped up and helped out so much the morning of the wedding to help get the day going smooth at the hotel where the party was getting ready. The music that Aunt Robin played and that Aunt Deb sang helped to bring such a more sweet and special touch of family to the whole ceremony. The ceremony was truly wonderful and I still see My Beautiful Wife in her Gorgeous Dress every time I close my eyes. Yes, Abby you were right about the dress.

If you would like to see some more photos click the link below:
After the wedding we loaded the car and headed to Williamsburg for our honeymoon. We spent 2 days at Busch Gardens one of those days spent with Abby and Joey who came and spent the day with us after bluntly hinting that they would glad come to Busch Gardens if we invited them. We spent the other day doing the Busch Garden's Animal tours. We got to pet lemurs, armadillos and several other animals. The most exciting thing for me was training the wolves at the park. We spent time going to the historical parks in Williamsburg and just relaxing. Plus had so much fun going to Norfolk to replace my glasses that were lost at Busch Gardens and renting a car since my car broke down. The trip was absolutely Amazing and would not have changed a single minute of it.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Wake up, Suttons!

It's time to wake up, my dear Sutton family! :) Share what's going on with you all these days.

Domenic is growing up more and more each day. He is crawling and "cruising" like nobody's business! He'll be walking before long!

I am trying to cook healthier meals at home with the family and have been enjoying myself greatly. I have always shied away from being in the kitchen because I wouldn't know where to start and would just get frustrated. But now I find it to be very relaxing and actually a lot of fun to plan menus and make grocery lists and read cook books for ideas. I know, I'm a nerd. :)

Charlie is still Charlie. :) He went four-wheeling today and is now passed out in bed.

Anyway, just a short update. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A boy and his dog...

Friday, April 3, 2009


Friday, March 27, 2009

Stilll Alive and Kicking...and Sicking

It is Friday evening, about 9 PM. I am going back to bed because I am feeling poopy. I have been on Amoxycillin for four days and have seen dramatic improvement, but it will be a few more days before I am completely recovered. The one good thing to report is that my weight is down a total of 13 pounds (510 down to 497) so I will try to keep that going once I amfeeling better.

I hope everyone else is doing well. Take care and God bless.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Health Update on the Fat Guy

OK, the good news is...IT IS NOT PNEUMONIA!!

Bad news...It is Bronchitis

I have been in bed since Monday evening. I am on Amoxycillin, and inhaler and a decongestant tablet. I am feeling some better tonight, but I haven't really slept very well for the last three nights.

Q. How long can a person go without sleeping?

A. Four days, but you have to keep dancing! yukyukyuk

Well, I don't feel up to dancing in a marathon, so I sure hope to get a good night's sleep tonight.

Love to you all.